Yass Liberty Theatre's Stage is set for a Regional Infrastructure Revival

An interview with Kristy McBain MP in the Liberty Theatre, Yass.

  • Kristy McBain MP: I’m in Yass today talking to a range of different people. We’ve been to the Liberty Theatre this morning, the Chamber of Commerce later today, the Yass Valley Council and I’m meeting with a whole range of people down by the local cafe. Paul’s given us a fantastic tour of the building, what it used to be and what it could be into the future.

    Paul Brennan: And you couldn’t wish to be in a more fascinating and termed piece of art deco in regional Australia. This is one of only two ocean liner art deco theatres that have survived. There used to be nearly 40.

    Kristy McBain MP: Imagination is limitless and, for me, regional towns are really where our recovery from bushfires and coronavirus are going to take place. We know that people can work from anywhere these days and centrepieces like this place will really draw more and more people into Yass. So, [I’m] really excited for what the future holds for Yass with the redevelopment of this building, the redevelopment of other buildings in town and, also, a range of people who are now calling Yass home. It is one of the fastest growing places across Eden-Monaro, so [I’m] really excited about the future.

    Paul Brennan: The whole theatre is now ready for a renovation rescue to reopen and re-employ. This building would employ quite a number of local people, especially tradespeople, to put it back together. Being so close to Canberra, it also means that performing artists, musicians especially, would be able to play [in] Canberra and, just up the road, have a fantastic art deco showplace to also add to their schedule.

Published by the Yass Valley Times.