Many of our supporters want to make sure the community and the arts they love, will live on and thrive into the future.
Some want to make sure their children and grandchildren experience the wonderment of the cinema and theatrical performances. Others can’t bear the thought that the Liberty Theatre itself may be gone forever.
While others want to make sure that their love, their passion and their values are reflected. The most powerful way to do this is by leaving a gift in your Will to the Friends of the Liberty Theatre and Cultural Centre Inc.
A gift in your Will
As passionate enthusiasts, the Friends of the Liberty Theatre is committed to keeping our film, musical and architectural heritage alive to entertain and delight future generations. Legacy donations and bequests can be transformative for organisations like ours.
If you are thinking of making a legacy donation during your lifetime or a bequest through your Will, we would be very happy to discuss it with you to ensure that it achieves what you intend. We absolutely recommend that you also seek independent legal, taxation or accounting advice.
Bequests ensure the integrity, authenticity and longevity of our work and are an enduring tribute to the generosity and vision of our loyal supporters, and to the Yass Valley Region.
The Friends of the Liberty Theatre and Cultural Centre Inc. (ABN 90 437 256 152) and the fund it operates are listed on the Register of Cultural Organisations under Subdivision 30-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. You will be issued a tax receipt.
How can you leave a legacy?
Anyone can choose to leave a bequest to the Friends of the Liberty Theatre and Cultural Centre Inc. in their will. A bequest can be created in the following ways:
a sum of money that is unrestricted and allows the Friends of the Liberty Theatre and Cultural Centre Inc. to direct the funds where they are needed most
a percentage of your estate
shares or other endowments.
We recommend that you always discuss your plans with your family and seek independent legal advice to ensure that you are completely happy with the terms of your bequest.
If you are considering a legacy bequest please contact us.
Step 1. Speak to your family and loved ones
This is a personal decision for you to make, but we recommend letting your family know that you are planning to leave a gift to The Friends of the Liberty Theatre so they are aware of your decision.
Step 2. Decide what kind of gift to leave
There are three main ways to leave a gift in your Will to The Friends of the Liberty Theatre.
You can make a specific bequest by simply stating the dollar amount in your Will that you wish to leave to The Friends of the Liberty Theatre.
You may wish to make a gift of a specific asset, for example real estate, shares or bonds, or an item of particular value.
You can make a gift of the remainder, or a percentage of the remainder, of your estate once your loved ones and expenses have been cared for.
Step 3. Get the help of a professional solicitor
The Friends of the Liberty Theatre recommend that you consult a solicitor before writing, or updating your Will.
Step 4. Making your Will
To include your chosen gift to The Friends of the Liberty Theatre when you write your Will, provide your solicitor with the following wording:
“I ..................bequeath to The Friends of the Liberty Theatre Inc. ABN 90 437 256 152 (insert the percentage or residue of your client’s estate, the amount of money, or the details of assets your client wishes to leave). My bequest is to be used for the general purposes of The Friends of the Liberty Theatre Inc. I declare that the receipt of the Secretary or other proper officer shall be a complete discharge of my bequest.”
Examples of past legacies
The Wurlitzer Organ
The Wurlitzer Organ was saved by John Atkinson from the wrecking ball which demolished the Regent Theatre in Sydney. This generous bequest will bring a truly unique experience to regional NSW.