March Newsletter

Dear Friends of the Liberty Theatre and Cultural Centre Inc.

Your committee has been working hard over the months to secure final quotes for the Cinema, and the electricity which needs to be upgraded to facilitate the film equipment. The electrical expenses are covered by our grant from Create NSW.

Our energy is focusing on raising funds to purchase the Liberty building, as once it is in Community ownership it will be easier to source grant funding from both Federal and State Governments towards the ultimate restoration.

The Committee have booked a site at the Yass Show on the 16th of March, near the entrance to the Round House. Yass Repertory will be sharing the site as we all have common goals in entertainment and education for the residents of, and visitors to, the Yass Valley LGA. We welcome anyone just popping by for a chat or to assist on site. The Committee would like to recruit some new members, especially someone to take over the job of Secretary.

The Repertory Society is about to commence rehearsals for 2 one act plays that will be performed from May 11 for 7 performances in the Liberty Theatre.

See you at the Yass Show

Bimbi Turner (President) together with your committee